Resolution Passed at SI Council Meeting in Madrid Addressing Human Rights Violations in Iran and Supporting Kurdish People’s struggle
The resolution approved by the SI council meeting in Madrid, February 24-25
1. Following the murder of Jina (Mahsa) Amini, while in police custody, a nationwide protest movement started with the slogan “Woman, Life, Freedom”. The Kurdish region was the cradle of the movement and its slogan, which attracted the global support and admiration for the brave Iranian women and men who merely demanded their basic human rights. We support the Iranian people, and in particular the Kurdish people’s struggle for their democratic rights.
2. Following the brutal crackdown of the Jina movement, the oppressive Islamic regime has tightened its grip and has arrested several thousands, leading to the migration of many of those who participated in the uprising. We urge the Western countries with asylum seekers from Iran, to consider the situation in Iran and accommodate those in need and offer them a refuge.
3. We condemn the widespread human rights’ violations by the Islamic regime and demand that the UN and the EU to intensify their efforts to address this issue.
4. The Middle East is ablaze, and the Islamic regime and its military arm, the IRGC’s fingerprint is all over it. We support the efforts to designate the IRGC as a terrorist entity.
5. We call for an international conference on the Kurdish issue in general and the Iranian Kurds in particular.
6. We demand the revival of the Socialist International’s special committee for the Kurdish question.