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Scroll through our history by clicking on the arrows to the right and left in the timeline below. TIMELINE
The PDKI struggles to attain Kurdish national rights within a federal and democratic Iran. Since there are other nations in Iran, the PDKI supports their struggle to achieve their national rights and regards them as strategic allies in pursuit of […]
Mr. Mustafa Hijri is the current leader of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI). Mr. Hijri was born in 1945 in Nagahadeh. He graduated from the Teachers’ College of Agriculture in Urmiye in 1963 and took up a post […]
The PDKI is a democratic socialist party and is a member of the Socialist International (SI). For us, democratic socialism entails the belief that all human beings, whether as individuals or as members of nations, should be free and equal in all spheres of life. The PDKI’s policies on economic, political and social issues are based on these beliefs. Read more about our policies by clicking here and about our view on democratic socialism by clicking here.